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adbri masonry versaloc grey block

Adbri Masonry Versaloc 200 Series 400x200x190mm Interlocking Grey Blocks

Adbri Masonry's Versaloc interlocking grey block wall system is an innovative solution for residential landscaping projects. No mortar is required and blocks easily stack on top of each other, ensuring quick and easy wall construction.

  • No mortar required – for savings in time, mess and money.
  • Detailed bevel provides clean wall finish
  • Vertical block walls
  • Retaining and garden walls
  • Straight walls
  • Planter boxes
  • Fences and sheds
  • Build your own unreinforced walls up to 600mm high and higher with engineering advice
  • * Fire Pits – When blocks are min 500mm from flame or a steel insert is used.

When building an interlocking block retaining wall on a crushed rock base within the block's minimum unreinforced height, Pavers Plus recommends a base of at least 80-100mm thick, with the first course to be laid on a minimum 50mm mortar bed. Once the first course is level, additional courses will stack on top of each and interlock. Blocks must then be core-filled and back-filled with screenings. Walls being built above the block's regular height allowance must be constructed on a reinforced concrete slab, and in some cases, must be specified by an engineer. Speak to our sales team for more information prior to installation. 

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